Channel & Tactics Bootcamp

Hey SOULopreneur, if marketing is leaving you feeling overwhelmed and overworked, it's time to simplify! And, an important place to start is by streamlining the marketing channels and tactics you use.

Trying to be on all the platforms and do lots of marketing activities is just not realistic, or necessary. You have limited time, energy and money for marketing so you need to use them very wisely.

This bootcamp will help you determine the highest-impact, lowest-effort, values-aligned marketing activities you'll focus on for the next 12 weeks.

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Mindful Minimalist Marketing

SOULopreneurs are motivated differently than many entrepreneurs. You feel the pull of a "calling" to be of service. You want to earn a living, perhaps even a generous one, but money is not the primary driving factor behind your business. So, you make decisions differently than other entrepreneurs, and benefit from using a unique approach for your marketing. An approach that is:

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Doing fewer, but carefully chosen, marketing activities is essential for a SOULopreneur because as a one-person operation, you've got limited time and energy each day!

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Being mindful throughout each day helps you maintain focus on what is truly important and will have the most impact, and avoid getting lost down rabbit holes of distraction.

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SOULopreneurs tend to thrive when they approach marketing in an unconventional way that blends research, logic and creativity...that is a balance of mind, heart and intuition.

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I believe there's no place for exaggerated results, bait-and-switch tactics, artificial urgency or other manipulative techniques in a SOULopreneur's marketing toolkit.

Simplify. Focus. Thrive.

Stop spinning your wheels, and hustling to do too much. Stop getting distracted by what others are doing. Get clear about the highest-impact marketing activities for YOUR business.


5-Day Bootcamp

Wed Jun 5 - Sun Jun 9

Using a combination of on-demand video and handouts, plus direct access to me, you'll come away with a clear plan for what marketing activities to focus on for the next 12 weeks that:

  • are realistic given your available resources (i.e., time, money and energy);
  • are a good fit with your personality and strengths; and
  • offer the highest impact for the effort required.

This bootcamp will help you...

  • give dedicated focus to your marketing strategy
  • learn about marketing channels (e.g., social media, blogging, podcasting) and tactics (e.g., ads, short videos, press releases) commonly used by SOULopreneurs
  • make decisions about what will serve YOUR business best
  • map out clear marketing priorities for the next 12 weeks, to guide your day-to-day focus
woman holding hands up in front of her with pointer fingers and thumbs touching to make a square to look through
headshot of Stephanie Hahn, owner of Calm & Creative Studio

And, you'll receive support & input from me, Stephanie Hahn. I have:

  • an MBA with a focus on marketing
  • 25+ years of experience working with a diverse range of organizations as a freelancer and Executive Director
  • been a yoga teacher for more than 15 years
  • researched and written 100+ articles for a leading health magazine, including articles on the science of establishing strong habits, the importance of gratitude and optimism, and the power of affirmations

What To Expect...


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Key Considerations Reflection

Before the bootcamp begins, I recommend going through the information and journal prompts in my FREE Choose Your Channels guide (to help you get clear about your goals, target audience and offerings, which inform the channels and tactics you'll choose).

If you don't have the guide already, you can sign up for it here.

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3 Days of On-Demand Videos & Handouts

Each day from Wednesday through Friday you'll receive an email reminding you to log into the challenge platform to go through the day's information and work through the assignment (video + handout). Saturday and Sunday are independent work days (if you need them) with no additional instruction.

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Direct Access to Me (& Only Me)

Wednesday to Sunday you'll have direct access to me via email or Voxer to ask questions and get my input. I've consciously chosen not to include a community element in this challenge, to help you stay completely focused on your own business and not take up any mental bandwidth or time thinking about others' businesses in a Facebook group or group Zoom meetings.

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Your Simple 12-Week Plan

By the end of the challenge, you'll have clarified the marketing channels and tactics you'll focus on for the next 12 weeks and captured them in a brief, high-level written plan.

Much of marketing is about experimentation and being nimble, so I recommend planning in 12 week chunks. That also means there's less pressure to make "perfect" decisions; you're just deciding about the near-term and will be free to shift things as you have real-world experiences and see what works well and what doesn't go as expected.

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Personalized Feedback

To help motivate you to get a plan done during the bootcamp, even if it's a rough draft, I'm offering a bonus. If you want me to review your plan, send it to me by end of day Sunday, and I'll get back to you with feedback within a week. (One of my super powers is making sure plans are clear and realistic.)

This bootcamp will be much different than taking a self-study course or reading blogs and watching YouTube videos about marketing and then trying to sort everything out on your own.

Or getting advice from someone who claims to be a marketing guru but doesn't have any formal marketing education or much experience. Or learning from a true marketing guru that has limited scope of expertise, i.e., may know one channel or tactic really well but doesn't focus on the bigger picture, particularly for SOULopreneurs.

I'll be available throughout the bootcamp, to provide guidance and insight (plus personalized feedback on your plan if you finish and submit it to me by end of day Sunday).

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This Bootcamp Is For You If...

  • You are a solopreneur or run a very small business and feel called to make a difference in the world through your work. 
  • You value work-life balance and integrity. You are not solely driven to maximize profit at any cost.
  • You have an existing business, and are clear about your target audience and what you sell (i.e., the challenge is not suitable for people looking for new business ideas).
  • You want to simplify your marketing activities so that you can spend more time doing your core work.


Top 3 Reasons to Participate


  1. The bootcamp format, with set start and end dates (plus the bonus of a personalized review if you finish by Sunday) will provide structure and motivation to make this a priority. And, because none of the instruction happens live, you can go through the video and handouts each day at a time that is convenient for you.
  2. The content will focus on marketing channels and tactics that are most relevant to SOULopreneurs, and you'll be encouraged to choose only what is directly relevant to your situation. There'll be no one-size-fits-all strategies that you'll have to try to shoehorn your business into.
  3. You have the opportunity receive highly-personalized input from an experienced marketer who's committed to  empowering you to do much (or all) of your marketing yourself.
headshot of Stephanie Hahn, owner of Calm & Creative Studio on a computer monitor

Just Imagine How You'll Feel...


...after making time for reflection, learning and planning ahead during our five days together.

Identifying your highest-impact, lowest-effort, values-aligned marketing activities to focus on for the next 12 weeks so that you'll have clarity about what to focus on day-to-day.

No more being reactive or doing just what is easiest.

No more endless looping, rethinking decisions already made.

No more getting distracted by shiny new objects, the latest ads on social media, or what other people are doing.

Imagine having clarity and confidence about marketing your business, finally.

Registration closes Sat Jun 1 (or sooner if spaces fill before that)

Channels & Tactics Bootcamp

Wed Jun 5 - Sun Jun 9, 2024



You'll have access to me for questions and personalized feedback for the 5 days of the challenge, but you'll have access to videos and handouts in the the bootcamp online space for 30 days.


There are no refunds, so please ensure that you are 100% committed to participating in this bootcamp before registering.


Have additional questions?

Use the form below to contact me and ask away!